Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tact-tiles (or other such boards)

So as I started yesterday, I like having things as easy as possible, and with that being said, I like a game mat. It's easy to draw the map, show where people are, and with counters, layout a full scene. It's a blast. The one downside comes from my lack of funds (as I am a poor college student). With this, I wondered for a long time how to make a battle mat for use. After a long enough period of time, and enough searching online, I found the solution:

Sheet Vinyl.

Sounds silly right? Well apparently not. I bought some clear sheet vinyl, and on one side drew the grid with a sharpie, and as it's clear I use the other side as the mat. nice and simple. Unfortunately, dry erase markers are best for htis, and if you ever use rubbing alcohol to clean the board, you're going to be wiping off the sharpie marker as well. So remember to use the opposite side for games!

The other solution is one I have yet to try, but found online. It's an attempt to create a modern representation of the Tact-tile boards that were once common. Unfortunately, they're hard to find now a days (or are just downright expensive) so someone figured out a way to do them on the cheap and easy. Take foamboard, cover it in sheet laminate (you can buy rolls of it from staples and such), use dry erase markers! It is that simple. I plan on making a bunch of tiles in the near future, and will let everyone know how they work (trusting my game gets started again of course!). Got the idea from:

Other thoughts? suggestions? ideas? just general comments? Feel free to leave them!

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