Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Session on Saturday

Saturday's session was pretty good all things considered. I was an evil DM and took away all their posessions... then was nice and gave them a TON of good stuff to have. I also gave them a world map sorta and have to start researching stuff as a result. It was definitely a fun session to play.

Started out with the players talking to the elderly couple they found last time... unfortunately, while up there, their stuff was stolen (the car was broken into and taken with 90% of their belongings). After that, they basically high tailed it away from that place and found a fortified house to stay at. After breaking in, they found some important stuff to take with them but my character (Obadiah) told them that they essentially gotta go. Since there was signs that people were living there, it was definitely not a safe place to be. However, just as they were leaving, they were ambushed by the houses occupiers. After driving away and getting in a gunfight on the roads, they managed to DESTROY their old vehicle and kill 2 of their pursuers.

After all this, they went to a safe location to spend the night and recoup... with that they got some information on places to go and now they're aimed at Lorain Ohio... Hear there's a city built out of the tall buildings in town that is all connected by rope bridges. Should be a good time. Now, should I be nice and have the place be there? friendly? anything? I'm not sure. Gonna do some background research on the city though and see if it was a good selection :-\. I'll let you know what i find tomorrow!

Comment if you'd like!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Man Oh Man did i get sick!

Anywhoo, sorry for the lack of posts again, i was hit by a TERRIBLE fever for the past two days, I'm telling ya, I am having no luck with this blog thing these days!!! and soon I'll be swamped with work. Eep!

I'm really excited about tomorrow's session. I got a few dastardly plans that I intend to utilize and I'm sure the players will have a good time. Hell, maybe they'll learn that lesson i talked about the other day! I started writing my own rules for stuff, I find it lets me get exactly what I want out of the game and there are distinct nuances to what can be done. It's a lot of fun too! So far I've written the rules for a few cars and because of this, I have a plan of action for whats going down in the future of this game. It should be an absolute blast.

One thing I do wish however, is that we had more time to play. Since the first semester of this year is coming to an end, I'm not nearly where I hoped to be and I don't think we'll even reach a distinct finishing point by the end of next semester. It's scary to think about the future like that... but hopefully, I'll manage to get it to work out (and find a good crew after I graduate... that'd be very beneficial too...). Ah well, I'm sure it will all work out. Anyways, I'll update tomorrow so that I can try to make up for these few days of illness, and maybe (if you're lucky) you'll get another post tonight even! Who knows?

Anyone got any topics they want me to discuss? anything at all...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It really is amazing how you can get very sick at the most inopportune times. Right as I was getting back into the routine of writing for this (had a few ideas I wanted to talk about) I get very ill. Seriously, that's just annoying. So today's post should be fairly short and I'm going to be talking about my take on adapting characters from other sources (life, movies, books, etc) and putting them into d20.

A lot of the characters my players are going to meet are going to be either direct copies of other characters, taken and put into this game... or based very heavily on outside sources. With this in mind, I feel that it should make an interesting twist for the game and will be something that amuses me to think about. Heck, the story is going to be taken largely from another source and I am hoping that the players figure it out as i think that would be a funny little joke. Anyways... for all my players reading this: start guessing where all the source material is coming from! should be fun :-D.

Like I said, sorry for the short post. Really am feeling terrible today :(. Feel free to leave comments as usual!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Apocalypse

We've finally reached it!

Sorry about the hiatus for the past week (or two, i'm not really sure how long it was, it's been a long day). We finally got into the post apocalypse and the transition has gone suprisingly well. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I'm going about this the right way, but i threw them straight into it with a lack of fuel and a hostile environment. It seems to be working out though, and I have the counting their fuel consumption and all of that. On the other hand, I haven't had them shoot any weapons yet... I plan to make them very aware of their limited ammunition resources... in fact, I probably gave them too many bullets to start with! Oh well... things will work out.

Anyways, so far, they have waited 22 years and finally exited the bunker they lived (and then were cryogenically frozen in) in, only to find a desolate waste land. They followed a light for over 240 miles to get to a small makeshift town and finally started scavenging in a former city. I actually forgot the name of it.... it's been a long day as i said. Anyways, they scavenged and when we stopped playing, it was right after they met a person (and his wife) who had lived in their house for this whole time. Unfortunately, the party members trust everyone to tell them the truth, which may, or may not be what the NPCs are telling them... We shall see however. Anyways, that is about it... I'm very excited to continue playing this upcoming weekend. Should be a blast!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Post Apocalyptic Mayhem

Ok, since there are so many post apocalypse scenarios (aliens, nukes, robots, disease, zombies, etc.) How many are too many? I am almost afraid that I'm combining too many right now with the zombies and the post apocalypse but I still feel they go hand in hand. Only problem is I want to add some other elements too, but doing so might make it excessive and limit the story that exists. So today's (short) post is to ask people what they think. Is it bad to combine 3 of these? I think it could be done but I want to know what you readers think. Leave me a comment!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am excited because people are finally reading the darned book! It's about time! They think I'm gonna be upset by all the stuff they can do but PLAYERS: I WANT YOU TO DO THAT COOL STUFF! I'm just not gonna spoon feed it to you guys! I'm all for you reading the book or looking at the SRDs online because of how there is you can do! Combat could be a lot more fun (given i'm not doing everything i could myself).

On another note, I am trying to think of ways to make the game a bit more challenging. I think I'm going to have to increase the difficulties of certain tasks so it doesn't become overly simple and no longer fun. Guns are going to limit the combat excitement (especially against zombies) but I hope to make up for it with other tasks/skill checks/ inventive ways to make zombies more fun to kill. Then again, everyone loves killing zombies :-P

Leave comments!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Week of no posts

Hey everyone, sorry about posting nothing last week, I had a hectic two weeks there and blew off some steam by not doing anything (and i mean ANYTHING). So anyways, playing time this weekend was really short as we basically just had one small encounter, killed off a character and then got everyone leveled twice. Yep, boring weekend :-P. Unfortunately, I ruined the surprise of killing the character (basically so he could make a new personalized character) so nobody was shocked or awed.. Oh well, worse things have happened.

So now the party is two people larger. I made their boss join the game (so i can deus ex machina if need be) and another player returned. It should be fun now, I like the group and feel they should be ok with it. Gotta say though, the apocalypse (which we are just getting to now) is not comfortable, sorry girls (all players except one are female). Ultimately though, this poses problems as I need to come up with a way to keep adventures going. So far, I have basic scavenging and going to certain locations that require intense amounts of travel. I want to keep things rolling and have it be a bit scary (so scavenging a grocery store doesn't become boring but more a scary scary thing to do).

Any one got ideas for where to take the campaign? Anyone got ideas of what to do for adventures or rewards? Leave me a comment!